Sunday, June 28, 2009

More pics from graduation...

Dad's favorite part was when Dr. Cowan announced, "And the best part is that now they are actually/finally employable.."

The Senior Roast

One of the roasts I loved was, "Things we've learned from Emily, it is ok if your husband's jeans cost more than yours..."

Bennett giving Lily a bottle, Brandy watch out, he looks like a natural!

I am starting to seriously consider the name Lily Joe! I was so embarrassed at first but honestly she looks just like him. He doesn't have a pink Cubs shirt, but he has Cubs shirts and they are just adorable watching baseball together. He brought her this back from our trip to Chicago.
4 months with the Sleepy Bunny, she is ready to take him.

Lily is 4 months old!

She weighs 14#9oz and is 26" long. 75% for height and weight!

She is smiling and talking (squalking!) all the time and I don't know how babies could get any better than a four month old. She eats, sleeps (9-11 hours at night) and is happy when awake and cannot move around yet.

What else could be better?

She still is a clone of her father as you can see, but some people say she makes some expressions like me...I know, I'm reaching. Here are some recent pics...

Graduation from Residency!!

Our little class of 5 finally made it! Here are two pics, the first was just prior to our long day of presenting our research, followed by lunch @ Walkers, bowling then onto the second photo which was our graduation party @ the Old Capitol Inn. We are all so glad to be done, but sad in a way. I will miss alot of great friends and a few great mentors. It is funny to think about how much time I have spent with my class and the residents over the last four years. Half of my life, and I slept during most of the hours I wasn't at hospital!
I am so excited for this new change and having time to do other things besides work, I hope Joseph and I like each other now that we are going to be spending so much more time together.